Deivadan Centre

About us

At Deivadan we offer a home and a renewed sense of purpose for the helpless, homeless, sick, and suffering. 

Fr. Abraham Kaippanplakkal
Founder, Congregation of the Deivadan Sisters


“Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor, and the face of God will not be turned away from you.” (Tobit 4:7)

Fr. Abraham Kaippanplakkal, a saintly priest who lived over 100 years, dedicated his life for the orphans and destitutes of the society. He is the man behind the Deivadan Centre. He founded the Congregation of the Deivadan Sisters to take care of the abandoned and neglected women. The charism of the Congregation is to see the face of Jesus in the poor and the needy, and to render their selfless service for the welfare of these children of God.

Deivadan centre at Vadakkencherry is a home for the helpless, the homeless, the sick and the suffering elderly women. At this centre, these elderly women find a home, a hope to live towards the evening of their life in the love and service of Deivadan Sisters. Thus they gracefully live their old age and prepare themselves to meet God.

The Deivadan centre was started on the land donated by Joby Vettuvayalil, Vadakkencherry, a relative of the founder Fr.Abraham Kaippanplackal, of Deivadan centre. Deivadan centre began its ministry to the elderly abandoned women with three members on 29.10.2000, at Vadakkencherry on a piece of land donated by a benefactor. The centre has completed 21 years of its existence and grown into a great institution supporting So far about 500 women. The majority of its members are bed-ridden, needing constant support and care. Many of them are mentally challenged or disabled, abandoned by their relatives and families. Some of them were picked up from the streets and brought to the centre by the police. Some of them were brought to the centre from various hospitals and medical colleges, as there was no one to take them back to their respective homes. So far about 350 women from various parts of this country and of different religious faiths have died with dignity, after having received good care and medical support.

Deivadan Centre

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